25 November, 2014

Navigation in DD4T

There always been a question on What is the best approach for building navigation with DD4T and ASP.NET MVC? Answer is: There is TridionSiteMapProvider as part of the DD4T.Mvc project, which can be used out of the box. The  DD4T.Examples.Templates project also have a example on how Sitemap can...

20 November, 2014

What is DD4T

Well, It's the high time to think about DD4T. What is DD4T? What makes more easier to the developer and Editor to talk about DD4T.!!  DD4T is a framework that developed by Tridion veterans. The framework makes it easier for Tridion developers to develop, deploy and maintain a project. The basic...

14 November, 2014

Dynamic Publication Resolving in DD4T

DD4T is a great framework which would give you everything in place what you basically needed. Here we will see how we could resolve the publication based on the URL,  when we work with multiple publications accessing same web site, our DD4T would need to query dynamically to different publications. Many...