20 December, 2011

Localization in Chart (Microsoft Chart Control), Localizing DataPoint

I had a scenario where need to localize the data points that are displayed on the chart, that the decimal needs to be localized as comma (,) in Russian and Spanish., Thanks to my friend Gagan for this E.g.: We can assign an EventHandler to FormatNumber Property as Below private MemoryStream...

17 December, 2011

knockoutjs with Umbraco and Umbraco base call

I was thinking how we could use knockoutjs with Umbraco, so just thought blog it. Knockout is a JavaScript library that helps you to create rich, responsive display and editor user interfaces with a clean underlying data model. Any time you have sections of UI that update dynamically (e.g., changing depending on the user’s actions or when an external data source changes), KO can help you implement...

Error: ko.mapping.updateFromJS, use ko.mapping.fromJS instead

I had the same issue, (Error: ko.mapping.updateFromJS, use ko.mapping.fromJS instead) I bugged for long time, then i tried the another alternative.fromJS  the functionality is the same, but be aware that updateFromJS's parameter list is just the other away around, so instead of doing:    ko.mapping.updateFromJS(viewModel, jsData); You need to replace this with:    ko.mapping.fromJS(jsData,...

16 December, 2011

Localization in Umbraco, Item Page field localization

Umbraco is one of the most deployed Web Content Management Systems on the Microsoft stack. It's in the top five most popular server applications and among the ten most popular open source tools in general. You can directly download and start using it from http://www.umbraco.com If you have...