30 November, 2011

Observer Pattern With C# 4.0

Observer Pattern
"The Observer Pattern Defines a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all of its dependents are notified and updated automatically."
Publishers + Subscribers = Observer Pattern

C# Introduced , IObserver<T> and IObservable<T> which will help push-based notification,also known as the observer design pattern. The IObservable<T> interface represents the class that sends notifications (the provider); the IObserver<T> interface represents the class that receives them (the observer). T represents the class that provides the notification information.

An IObserver<T> implementation arranges to receive notifications from a provider (an IObservable<T> implementation) by passing an instance of itself to the provider's IObservable<T>.Subscribe method. This method returns an IDisposable object that can be used to unsubscribe the observer before the provider finishes sending notifications.

The IObserver<T> interface defines the following three methods that the observer must implement:
The OnNext method, which is typically called by the provider to supply the observer with new data or state information.

The OnError method, which is typically called by the provider to indicate that data is unavailable, inaccessible, or corrupted, or that the provider has experienced some other error condition.
The OnCompleted method, which is typically called by the provider to indicate that it has finished sending notifications to observers.

 using System;  
 using System.Collections.Generic;  
 using System.Linq;  
 using System.Text;  
 namespace ObserverPatternInCsharp  
   public class WeatherData  
     private float temperature;  
     private float humidity;  
     private float presssure;  
     public WeatherData(float temp,float hum, float press)  
       temperature = temp;  
       humidity = hum;  
       presssure = press;  
     public float Temperature  
       get { return this.temperature; }  
     public float Humidity  
       get { return this.humidity; }  
     public float Presssure  
       get { return this.presssure; }  
 using System;  
 using System.Collections.Generic;  
 using System.Linq;  
 using System.Text;  
 namespace ObserverPatternInCsharp  
   public class WeatherProvider: IObserver<WeatherData>  
     private IDisposable unsubscriber;  
     private string instName;  
     public WeatherProvider(string name)  
       this.instName = name;  
     public string Name  
       get { return this.instName; }  
     public virtual void Subscribe(IObservable<WeatherData> provider)  
       if (provider != null)  
         unsubscriber = provider.Subscribe(this);  
     void IObserver<WeatherData>.OnCompleted()  
       Console.WriteLine("The Provider has completed transmitting data to {0}.", this.Name);  
     public virtual void Unsubscribe()  
     void IObserver<WeatherData>.OnError(Exception error)  
       Console.WriteLine("{0}: The provider cannot be read data.", this.Name);  
     void IObserver<WeatherData>.OnNext(WeatherData value)  
       Console.WriteLine("{3}: The current Weather is Temperature: {0}, Pressure {1}, Humidty {2}", value.Temperature, value.Presssure, value.Humidity,this.Name);  
 using System;  
 using System.Collections.Generic;  
 using System.Linq;  
 using System.Text;  
 namespace ObserverPatternInCsharp  
   public class WeatherSubscriber : IObservable<WeatherData>  
     private List<IObserver<WeatherData>> observers;  
     public WeatherSubscriber()  
       observers = new List<IObserver<WeatherData>>();  
     public IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver<WeatherData> observer)  
       if (!observers.Contains(observer))  
       return new Unsubscriber(observers, observer);  
     private class Unsubscriber : IDisposable  
       private List<IObserver<WeatherData>> _observers;  
       private IObserver<WeatherData> _observer;  
       public Unsubscriber(List<IObserver<WeatherData>> observers, IObserver<WeatherData> observer)  
         this._observers = observers;  
         this._observer = observer;  
       public void Dispose()  
         if (_observer != null && _observers.Contains(_observer))  
     public void SetMeasurements(WeatherData weather)  
       foreach (var observer in observers)  
         if (weather == null)  
           observer.OnError(new WeatherUnKnnowException());  
 using System;  
 using System.Collections.Generic;  
 using System.Linq;  
 using System.Text;  
 namespace ObserverPatternInCsharp  
   public class WeatherUnKnnowException: Exception  
     internal WeatherUnKnnowException()  
     { }  
 using System;  
 using System.Collections.Generic;  
 using System.Linq;  
 using System.Text;  
 namespace ObserverPatternInCsharp  
   public class Program  
     public static void Main()  
       WeatherSubscriber subscriber = new WeatherSubscriber();  
       WeatherProvider NDTVProvider = new WeatherProvider("NDTV");  
       WeatherProvider TimesProvider = new WeatherProvider("Times");  
       WeatherProvider HeadLineProvider = new WeatherProvider("HeadLine");  
       subscriber.SetMeasurements(new WeatherData(10, 7, 14));  
       subscriber.SetMeasurements(new WeatherData(28,26, 14));  

27 November, 2011

CRM to SendEmail

Send email functionality with CRM
     internal static Boolean SendEmail(string toAddress, Guid? fromPartyGuid, string subjectLine, string body, Guid? contactId,string templateName)  
       CrmService crmService = GetCrmService();  
       //[[FROM activity party for the email.  
       activityparty fromParty = new activityparty();  
       fromParty.partyid = new Lookup();  
       fromParty.partyid.type = EntityName.queue.ToString();  
       fromParty.partyid.Value = fromPartyGuid;   
       //[[TO activity party for email  
       activityparty toParty = new activityparty();  
       toParty.partyid = new Lookup();  
       toParty.partyid.type = EntityName.contact.ToString();  
       toParty.partyid.Value = (contactId.HasValue) ? contactId.Value : new Guid("");  
       //[[Create a new email and set its properties  
       email emailInstance = new email();  
       //set email parameters  
       emailInstance.from = new activityparty[] { fromParty };  
       emailInstance.to = new activityparty[] { toParty };  
       emailInstance.subject = subjectLine;  
       emailInstance.description = body;  
       emailInstance.regardingobjectid = CreateLookup(contactId.ToString(), EntityName.contact);  
       emailInstance.trackingtoken = templateName;  
       //Create a GUID for the email  
       Guid emailId = crmService.Create(emailInstance);  
       //Create a SendEmailRequest  
       SendEmailRequest request = new SendEmailRequest();  
       request.EmailId = emailId;  
       request.IssueSend = true;  
       request.TrackingToken = "";  
       //Execute request  
       SendEmailResponse sendEmailresp = (SendEmailResponse)crmService.Execute(request);  
       return true;  
           public static Lookup CreateLookup(string guid, EntityName lookupType)  
       if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid)) return null;  
       Lookup lkup = new Lookup();  
       lkup.Value = new Guid(guid);  
       lkup.type = lookupType.ToString();  
       return lkup;  

Create Document Dynamically (Umbraco)

You can create document and publish the content during run time, Below code snippets helps you to do it.
   public class UmbracoUtils  
  /// <summary>  
     /// Create and publish the document programatically  
     /// </summary>  
     /// <param name="nodeName"></param>  
     /// <param name="properties"></param>  
     /// <param name="documentType"></param>  
     /// <param name="parentId"></param>  
     /// <returns>node id</returns>  
     public static int CreateDocument(string nodeName, Dictionary<string, string> properties, int documentType, int parentId, List<string> roles = null)  
       DocumentType dt = new DocumentType(documentType);  
       umbraco.BusinessLogic.User u = new umbraco.BusinessLogic.User(0);  
       // Create the document  
       Document d = Document.MakeNew(nodeName, dt, u, parentId);  
       // Add values to the generic properties of the document   
       if (properties != null)  
         foreach (string property in properties.Keys)  
           d.getProperty(properties[property]).Value = properties[property];  
       // Set the publish status of the document and there by create a new version   
       if (roles != null)  
         int loginDocId = Constants.NODE_ID_HOME;  
         int errorDocId = Constants.NODE_ID_HOME;  
         umbraco.cms.businesslogic.web.Access.ProtectPage(false, d.Id, loginDocId, errorDocId);  
         foreach (string role in roles)  
           umbraco.cms.businesslogic.web.Access.AddMembershipRoleToDocument(d.Id, role);  
       // Tell the runtime environment to publish this document   
       return d.Id;  
You could achieve this by calling directly as below,
  List<string> roles = new List<string>();  
       UmbracoUtils.CreateDocument("MBA College", null, Constants.TEMPLATE_ID_CONTENTPAGE, Constants.NODE_ID_HOME, roles);  

Logger with UmbracoLog

Umbraco logger is powerful tool and It can be extended to use in your Umbraco application to log anything that you want to do, instead of using another logger to do the task.
     /// <summary>  
     /// Logger to log Error/Debug/Warning to Umbraco log table  
     /// </summary>  
     public class Logger  
       public enum LogLevels  
         DEBUG = 1,  
         WARNING = 2,  
         ERROR = 3,  
         NONE = 100  
       public static LogLevels CurrentLevel  
       private static string StrLoggedInUserId;  
       public static void SetStrLoggedInUserId()  
         if (StrLoggedInUserId == null || StrLoggedInUserId == "NA")  
           if (HttpContext.Current != null)  
             HttpCookie cookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName];  
             if (cookie != null)  
               FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(cookie.Value);  
               StrLoggedInUserId = ticket.Name;  
           if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(StrLoggedInUserId))  
             StrLoggedInUserId = "NA";  
       private static string StrSessionId  
           return HttpContext.Current.Session != null ? HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID : "NA";  
       public static void Debug(string message)  
         if ((int)CurrentLevel <= (int)LogLevels.DEBUG)  
           umbraco.BusinessLogic.Log.Add(umbraco.BusinessLogic.LogTypes.Debug, -1, StrLoggedInUserId + " : " + StrSessionId + " : " + message);  
       public static void Error(string message)  
         if ((int)CurrentLevel <= (int)LogLevels.ERROR)  
           umbraco.BusinessLogic.Log.Add(umbraco.BusinessLogic.LogTypes.Error, -1, StrLoggedInUserId + " : " + StrSessionId + " : " + message);  
       public static void Exception(Exception e)  
         if ((int)CurrentLevel <= (int)LogLevels.ERROR)  
           string logstring = e.Message;  
           logstring += Environment.NewLine;  
           logstring += e.StackTrace != null ? e.StackTrace : "";  
           logstring += Environment.NewLine;  
           logstring += e.InnerException != null ? e.InnerException.Message : "";  
           logstring += Environment.NewLine;  
           logstring += e.InnerException != null && e.InnerException.StackTrace != null ? e.InnerException.StackTrace : "";  
           umbraco.BusinessLogic.Log.Add(umbraco.BusinessLogic.LogTypes.Custom, -1, StrLoggedInUserId + " : " + StrSessionId + " : " + logstring);  
       public static void Login(string message)  
         if ((int)CurrentLevel <= (int)LogLevels.DEBUG)  
           umbraco.BusinessLogic.Log.Add(umbraco.BusinessLogic.LogTypes.Login, -1, StrLoggedInUserId + "~" + StrSessionId + "~" + message);  
       public static void ErrorLogin(string message)  
         if ((int)CurrentLevel <= (int)LogLevels.ERROR)  
           umbraco.BusinessLogic.Log.Add(umbraco.BusinessLogic.LogTypes.LoginFailure, -1, StrLoggedInUserId + "~" + StrSessionId + "~" + message);  
       public static void Logout(string message)  
         if ((int)CurrentLevel <= (int)LogLevels.DEBUG)  
           umbraco.BusinessLogic.Log.Add(umbraco.BusinessLogic.LogTypes.Logout, -1, StrLoggedInUserId + "~" + StrSessionId + "~" + message);  